Eliza Eaton is an autistic educator, advocate, and community engagement professional who has spent over a decade helping others learn how to understand the needs and perspectives of those with experiences and priorities different from their own. She has devoted her life to facilitating effective engagement across backgrounds, neurotypes, and cultures.
Eliza Eaton grew up as an undiagnosed autistic girl in Carmel, Indiana, USA. Despite her hyperlexia, autistic family members, a lifelong obsession with the Black Death, and multiple visible stims, she wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood. She has always enjoyed learning, but did not enjoy school - so she became a teacher.
Educated at the University of St. Andrews and the London School of Economics, she returned to the United Kingdom with her two children after almost a decade in Colorado. Based at the University of Cambridge, she currently works as the Community Engagement Co-ordinator for AIMS-2-TRIALS.
projects and Roles
The diverse roles and projects in Eliza’s portfolio all have one major commonality: building the capacity of others to collaborate effectively.
Autism & Pregnancy Panel, INSAR 2023
03 May 2023
Community Engagement Coordinator
AIMS-2-TRIALS, University of Cambridge
May 2022 - present